ISSN 2082-6044
ISSN (Online) 2956-3410
DOI 10.34861/aspmuz

Call for papers

ASPEKTY MUZYKI (Aspects of Music) is a peer-reviewed annual journal founded in 2011, following over fifty years tradition of publishing series Zeszyty Naukowe (The Research Bulletin) and Prace Specjalne (Special Papers) of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk, nowadays hosted in the Faculty of Conducting, Composition and Theory of Music. It is devoted to all areas of musical scholarship, including music theory, historical and systematic musicology, music culture studies, philosophy of music, ethnomusicology, organology and cross-disciplinary humanistic inquiry related to music. Our mission is to present music-theoretical research that engages issues in the broader domain of music scholarship. We aim to pair articles from established scholars with early career researchers across the spectrum of music studies. Submissions in Polish, English or French are accepted.

The journal ASPEKTY MUZYKI (AM) is indexed/abstracted in the following services:

ERIH PLUS — The European Reference Index for the Humanities,
CEJSH — The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,
BazHum — Baza Czasopism Naukowych,
PBN — Polska Bibliografia Naukowa,
Index Copernicus — ICI World of Journals.


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